Family Business Influencers Global Power List Week 19

Family Business United Family Business Influencers Global Power List Bulletins Week 19

Find out who are the social media family business influencers around the world.

Each week The Family Business Influencers Global Power 100 recognises people around the world with the most inspiring social media accounts.

We use Klout scores to rank influencers. Klout takes into account social media activity and engagement across many social networks including Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Follow the board or join by signing up with your Twitter account via the Join button.  

It is free to join but if you would like to make a small donation to cover the running costs of the board, you can do so here

Leaderboard Page 2

Rank Player Power Score
51. profile image Player X 568
52. profile image Player X 567
53. profile image Player X 559
54. profile image Player X 555
55. profile image Player X 554
56. profile image Player X 551
57. profile image Player X 548
58. profile image Player X 536
59. profile image Player X 535
60. profile image Josip Kotlar 532
61. profile image Player X 527
62. profile image Player X 526
63. profile image Player X 519
64. profile image Player X 518
65. profile image Player X 516
66. profile image Player X 511
67. profile image Player X 503
68. profile image Player X 484
69. profile image Player X 478
70. profile image Player X 462
71. profile image Player X 439
72. profile image Player X 423
73. profile image Player X 403
74. profile image Player X 388
75. profile image Player X 386
76. profile image Player X 359
77. profile image Player X 245
78. profile image Player X 216
79. profile image Player X 131
80= profile image Player X 0
80= profile image Player X 0
80= profile image Player X 0
80= profile image Player X 0
80= profile image Family Business Hub 0
80= profile image Player X 0
80= profile image Player X 0
  • Bulletin name:
    Week 19
  • Bulletin published at:
    11:00am - 13th May 2019
  • Score Period:
    6th May - 13th May 2019
  • Previous Bulletin name:
  • Previous Bulletin published at:
    11:00am - 6th May 2019
  • Data Sources: