The Rainbow Powerlist Week 42

Mark Gossington The Rainbow Powerlist Bulletins Week 42

Find out who's who in The Rainbow Social Media Powerlist. Discover the social media influencers among us.  The list was originally established to focus on senior U.K. LGBT city business leaders and was expanded in 2015 to include senior and influential politicians, campaigners, public sector and other notable LGBTI+ people and other advocates and supporters of LGBTI+ rights Intersex and sports role models were added in 2016.  In late 2016 the US, Australia were added. In 2017 we continue to expand globally.  

Each week The Rainbow Powerlist recognises the most inspiring social media accounts so you can follow them and learn more about our community.

We use Klout scores and Twitter activity to rank influencers. Klout takes into account social media activity and engagement across many social networks including Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn and Instagram.

If you'd like to follow the board to keep track of what happens each week, sign up with your email address via the Follow button. To join the board sign up with your Twitter account via the Join button.

The Powerlist was established by Mark Gossington, Partner sponsor of GLEEPwCUK. However rankings are generated automatically and are not the views of PwC, Mark Gossington, individual players nor any other organisation. Inappropriate profiles or Tweets may lead to being excluded from the list. 


Leaderboard Page 8

Rank Player Power Score
701. profile image Player X 51
702. profile image Player X 51
703. profile image Player X 51
704. profile image Player X 51
705. profile image Player X 51
706. profile image Player X 50
707. profile image Player X 50
708. profile image Player X 50
709. profile image Player X 50
710. profile image Player X 50
711. profile image Player X 50
712. profile image Player X 50
713. profile image Player X 50
714. profile image Player X 50
715. profile image Player X 50
716. profile image Spencer Livermore 49
717. profile image Player X 49
718. profile image Player X 49
719. profile image Lynn 49
720. profile image Player X 49
721. profile image Mawaan Rizwan 49
722. profile image Player X 49
723. profile image Player X 49
724. profile image Player X 49
725. profile image Player X 49
726. profile image Player X 49
727. profile image Jackie Crozier 49
728. profile image Player X 49
729. profile image Player X 48
730. profile image Player X 48
731. profile image Player X 48
732. profile image Player X 48
733. profile image Player X 48
734. profile image Player X 48
735. profile image Player X 48
736. profile image Player X 48
737. profile image Player X 48
738. profile image Player X 48
739. profile image Player X 47
740. profile image Player X 47
741. profile image Player X 47
742. profile image Player X 47
743. profile image Michael Halpern 47
744. profile image Player X 47
745. profile image Player X 47
746. profile image Player X 47
747. profile image Player X 47
748. profile image Player X 47
749. profile image Player X 47
750. profile image Player X 47
751. profile image Player X 47
752. profile image Player X 47
753. profile image Player X 46
754. profile image Player X 46
755. profile image Player X 46
756. profile image Player X 46
757. profile image Player X 46
758. profile image Player X 46
759. profile image Stephen Wood 46
760. profile image Player X 46
761. profile image Player X 46
762. profile image (((Tom Dolphin))) 46
763. profile image Player X 46
764. profile image Player X 46
765. profile image Tom Sleigh 46
766. profile image Player X 46
767. profile image Player X 46
768. profile image Player X 45
769. profile image Player X 45
770. profile image Ian Howley 45
771. profile image Cllr Warren 45
772. profile image Player X 45
773. profile image Player X 45
774. profile image Player X 45
775. profile image Player X 45
776. profile image Player X 45
777. profile image Player X 45
778. profile image Player X 45
779. profile image Player X 45
780. profile image Player X 45
781. profile image Player X 45
782. profile image Player X 45
783. profile image Player X 45
784. profile image Player X 45
785. profile image Player X 45
786. profile image Player X 45
787. profile image Player X 45
788. profile image Player X 45
789. profile image Player X 44
790. profile image Player X 44
791. profile image Player X 44
792. profile image Player X 44
793. profile image Player X 44
794. profile image Player X 44
795. profile image Player X 44
796. profile image Player X 44
797. profile image Player X 44
798. profile image Player X 44
799. profile image Player X 44
800. profile image Player X 44
  • Bulletin name:
    Week 42
  • Bulletin published at:
    11:00am - 29th Oct 2017
  • Score Period:
    22nd Oct - 29th Oct 2017
  • Previous Bulletin name:
  • Previous Bulletin published at:
    12:00pm - 22nd Oct 2017
  • Data Sources: