Salesforce Power Women Week 22

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Elitsa Krumova

| Digital Unicorn | #WomeninTech | #InfluencerMarketing #Tech | #Marketing | #IoT #IIoT #Influencer @Onalyica | #AI #ML #RPA #Robotics #CyberSecurity #AR #VR #MR #5G #IoTPL #IoTCommunity #IoTSlam |

Power Score

0 this week


No change this week

Power Score Calculation

This Week
Week 22
Metric Raw Score Weighted Score
Power Score 96

New Metric

0 0

Kred Influence

806 24

Kred Outreach

9 25

Following Count

6,107 24

Followers Count

5,636 22

Following Count

0 0

Followers Count

0 0

Bulletin Information:

Week 22
Publication time:
2:09 AM - 12 Jun 2021
Score period:
2:07 AM - 5 Jun 2021 to 2:07 AM - 12 Jun 2021
Data Sources:
Kred | Twitter
Next Bulletin due:
2:07 AM - 19 Sep 2026