Create a Rise Scorebook to collect and distribute scorecards and leaderboards.
Get started by using one of our pre-configured templates:
The simplest possible scorebook.
Add players by name then add their latest score and see the leaderboard update instantly.
Each time you add their latest score, this is the one that is shown.
Sum up all scores entered for each player and display their all time score on a leaderboard.
Updates instantly as soon as you add a new score for each player.
Designed for contests with multiple scores per player over time.
Sum up the score for each player every week. And send out the results when all the scores are in.
Publish a weekly ranking and see each player’s rank change from week to week.
Sum up the score for each player every month. And send out the results when all the scores are in.
Publish a monthly ranking and see each player’s rank change from month to month.
Track multiple metrics for each player and consolidate into a single combined score for each.
Consolidate using a “relative ranking” algorithm to create a weighted index no matter what you are measuring.
Publish a weekly update with the latest scores.
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